
Zotero plugin forum
Zotero plugin forum

Basically, it just takes a little time and work, and they didn’t have anything else to say. This briefly frustrated them because they felt like there was little more to add than to reassure me that nothing special needs to be done, no deal with Zotero needs to be struck, and that there’s no general advice to be given. I tried coming at the question of “What can be done to make it as easy as possible?” from a few different directions. They said that Zotero has tons of extension points, and that they’re more than willing to help anybody who comes and asks questions – which is obviously great! The first responses I got were from a couple Zotero devs who are regulars on their forums.

zotero plugin forum

Sorry if this comes off as defensive, I’m just very tired of this particular conversation.) More broadly, I’m not going debate the value of UX here. I’m not going to tell you what you should care about.

zotero plugin forum zotero plugin forum

If you don’t care about the difference between first- and second-class Zotero integration, then that’s fine. (Zettlr, Sublime Text, and some other apps have integration too, but the UX isn’t on the same level as the type of integration in MS Word, LibreOffice, and Google Docs. I went onto the Zotero forums and asked, What do app developers need to do to “keep the door open” for full Zotero integration? I wanted to know if there was anything that Obsidian developers might wish they’d known early on if they’re interested in eventually having the kind of awesome, polished, “first-class” Zotero integration that is currently enjoyed only by MS Word, LibreOffice, and Google Docs.

Zotero plugin forum