Only one server per Crystal Reports is allowed. S Server Name for server where data resides. C Number of copy to be printed (any integer value i.e. If network printer, -N \computer01\printer1 If printer name is not specified, it looks for default printer in the computer. If you wish to print Crystal Reports to a printer, simply "-E print" instead of specifying file format.

E Intended file format to be exported.(i.e. F Crystal Reports filename to be loaded (i.e. The only mandatory argument is "-F", in which is for user to specify a Crystal Reports file. Locate the folder of CrystalReportsNinja.exe and run CrystalReportsNinja -? NET Framework 4.5)Ĭopy CrystalReportsNinja.exe and install the right CRforVS runtime of your platform and it should work. CrystalReportsNinja.exe (Executable compiled by Visual Studio 2017 for.CRforVS_redist_install_64bit_13_0_20.zip (runtime needed for 64-bit Windows machine).CRforVS_redist_install_32bit_13_0_20.zip (runtime needed for 32-bit Windows machine).Since it is a console (command-line) app, it can be invoked by Task Scheduler, batch file (.bat), command line file (.cmd), as well as Web API or Web Applications. It loads external Crystal Report file (.rpt) and export into various file formats such as xls, pdf as well as print to printer. This is a complete rewritten based on Crystal-Reports-Exporter in order to enhance code readability and maintainability.Ĭrystal Reports Ninja is an open source Windows Console program runs on.